Gautam Palli SHO Rikesh Kumar Singh said: “The men have been booked under Indian Penal Code’s sections 419 (cheat by personation), 420 (cheating), and 507 (criminal intimidation) in an FIR at Gautam Palli police station after which they have been arrested.”
According to police, the two accused arrested from Deoria were identified as Ved Prakash Mishra and Sandeep Singh.
The complainant, Sanjeev Singh, OSD to Yogi, in his written complaint to Gautam Palli police, said that the men, who use their three mobile numbers, used indecent language and even tried to threaten some people impersonating as OSD to exert pressure on them.
“On the basis of the complaint, the FIR was registered, and section 419 was added after the arrest of the accused,” the SHO said.
–Ajit Weekly News
News Credits – I A N S