Buxar police trace the location of the alleged teenager in a flat in Budha Colony Patna. When the sleuths reached there, they were shocked to see that the complainant and the accused were living together as husband-wife there. Buxar police nabbed both of them and brought them to Buxar for legal action. The parents of the teenage boy also registered an FIR of kidnapping against the girl and her family members in Dawath police station in the district. “We have reached the place of the accused on the basis of scientific analysis. They were recovered from a flat in Patna. We have brought them to Buxar and produced them in the district court for legal action,” said Kanchan KUmari, SHO of women police station Buxar. The victim was handed over to her parents while the teenage minor boy was sent to a children observation home. Police sources have said that it is a matter of elopement. However, Buxar police are proceeding with the case on the basis of facts and statements of both sides. Ends. Ajit Weekly News
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